
A Good Day

OKAY...SO...here we go..
Things that have happened over the summer since the last time I wrote:
Got into LMU as a transfer (I am here now and loving it!)
Got back from Maine and spent some time with my parents
Packed all my college stuff
Went back to Orange County  for a month to see all my lovely friends and to spend some quality time with them
Turned 20. (or did I?)

Anyways...now more about today:

I spent some time with my big sis today. We started off the day by going to Pearl Art Supply store. I had to get a few last things for my various art classes. Kim also bought her own art box for her stage management usage. She later decorated it with Disney stickers! She gave me some to put on my art/note book. What a nice big sister thing to do! We are 6. 

THEN, we went to LACMA and explored modern and contemporary art. We
 walked through giant steel maze-like sculptures. Walked into a room with a 
giant sized kitchen table. You could actually walk under the chair with out ducking. It was amazing. I felt like I had shrunk to Thumbelina size. I wish I got a photo of that. The security guard in that room kind of gave off a bad vibe though... so I was not going to mess with it. We gazed at sculptures by Brancusi and Giacometti as well as works by Picasso, Paul Klee, Cindy Sherman, and Rene Magritte (namely: La Trahison des Images [Ceci N'est Pas une Pipe])... among many others.  I believe I am going to be writing a paper about Magritte's famous work soon. I might choose another (less famous) work by Soutine though. I haven't decided yet. What a good day at the art museum. 

After that we went to the Farmer's Market near The Grove and we enjoyed some amazing French food and an iced coffee. That place is so cool! Lots of little shops (that is where Kim bought the Disney Sticker Book (AMAZING.) After that, we walked around the Grove and mostly just window shopped/admire. We tried shoes on at Nordstrom, but didn't buy any of course. Good times.

Walking back to the car we saw JC from N Sync sitting outside of a restaurant. I thought it looked like him...but I didn't actually believe it was him until Kim said, "Woah! Did you see that JC guy from NSync"...he just didn't look the same to me. It might of been the lack of the frosted blonde tips in his hair. haha. That was my celebrity sighting of the year I guess....too bad Kim and I were die hard BSB fans. Ha. Oh well. That was a pretty hilarious coincidence.
We got back to Kim's apartment and we decided to watch the amazing Disney movie Mulan of course. That movie is SO GOOD. Every time. Not going to lie.

Yuuuup. Great day. Hope everyone is having one as well!

I'll leave you with this because I love The Beatles:
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out. It doesn't matter much to me"