
An Empty Room...and Anxiousness

Today I packed all of the things in my dorm room into my parents car and they drove home with it all. Now, besides a set of sheets and my suitcase, my room is completely empty. It is super strange and my bed is not as comfortable with out the squishy egg cart thing. I have been reading for about 45, and still didn't get tired and fall asleep, so I decided to update my blog. 

The only things I have to do for school now are to edit my research paper after I have it peer edited, print out a final copy and go to my 2D design class for the last time (yes!) on Wed. morning. Then I have the rest of Wednesday to clean around my dorm a little, so it looks good when I leave, and then check out...so I'm ready to go at 6am Thursday morning for my flight to LA! 

My sister is graduating from USC on Friday! I'm so excited for her! After I spend some time with my family, I get to see all my best friends!!! I am way beyond pumped for the weekend. I am so close to being done, that I can smell freedom. Being back in California will be so nice! I am extremely ready to be around the people I love being around this summer and just loving every minute of it. It is going to be glorious. 

This blog was not too exciting, I know, but writing about my day gave me something to in all my sleeplessness. Back to listening to jazz while reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (for the second time...because it's amazing) and trying to fall asleep.

Next time I write, I will probably be in the Golden State... Can't wait!!! (hehe...ohhh end rhyme.. I'm so good) 

I hope every one's morning is cheery and bright! With a side of a delicious cup o' coffeeee!

love love love love love,

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