
Airports and Realizations

I can not sleep, as usual, so I found myself on my blog for once in almost 2 months. I thought I would share something I've been thinking about for awhile.

Last weekend I went to visit my friend Zoe up at her school in Tacoma, WA. It was a really nice time and I'm glad I could see her. Not to mention the almost perfect weather in Seattle/Tacoma while I was there. On my way back to Los Angeles (rather Long Beach... because that is where I flew into), I realized something while getting off the plane. As I walked past the portable gate that they have at Long Beach Airport, past the inside gates, and past the mirrored exit, I walked out to see so many people greet their loved ones. Hugs were shared. Kisses were shared. Even simple handshakes were shared. This type of thing is a very typical scene at any airport exit or entrance. I bet I have seen this type of scene a multitude of times in my life already, not to mention having experienced it for myself a multitude of times. But as I walked past all those people and thought about that familiar scene while waiting curbside for my friend to pick me up, I was really thinking about it. Airport goodbyes and hellos are a perfect metaphor for what should be the most important aspects of our lives. The people in it, that is.

 I think it is obvious to say that the people in our lives are most important to us, however, I think we get caught up in our minds and in our daily routines so much and we loss sight of what is truly important. It is even easier nowadays to loss sight of the importance of the people in our lives because we are so worried about the future of our country (with the election being 8 days away...and if you are my family, the fear of having another Republican in office for another 4 years), or if the economy is going to get worse, or if we didn't do as well as we think we should have on that psychology exam (or the grade we think we deserved because of all that damn studying....*cough*), or if we are having a bad hair day, or if we just embarrassed ourselves by tripping all the time, or if the LA drivers/traffic makes you crazy (I MEAN REALLY! What is with all the honking people?!!! huhh? Answer me that. You really aren't better than everyone else! People need to calm the heck down. This isn't New York... or Chicago even.), I think you get the idea. What should really be the most important things to us are the people who we are talking to from across a table, or the people are walking with around school or around town, or the people we have phone conversations with because we can't seem them a lot due to distance. It all goes back to that scene at the airport. The hug of someone that you haven't seen in awhile. The smile of your parents faces after not seeing them for almost 3 months. The feeling in your heart when you talk to a dear friend on the phone. That should be what we think about. That is what is MOST important in life. As human beings we are all connected. We share more feelings than you might think. 

I have been trying harder this year to call all my friends more often, because I know it is important to stay connected with the people we can't see all the time. Last year was tough for me and looking back on it now, I wish I would have called my friends more often. I probably would have felt a lot better everyday if I talked to more of the people in my life more often.
Since I am doing it more now though, I really suggest it! Stay connected! Call up an old friend or a new friend...I promise it will make you feel good :) 

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