
Still Point Art Gallery-Geometric Abstraction Juried Show

Exciting News! In December I entered a few of my photographs into a juried show called Geometric Abstraction, which is an online exhibition put on by the Still Point Art Gallery and they chose two of mine! They were taken two years ago when I was living in Chicago and taking Photo I/darkroom. It was for some assignment that I don't really remember---oh well... point is, they were some of my early work (in college) and now they are on a site on the internet that is not one that I started myself---exciting. I could go on about how excited I am...blah blah blah...but instead I'll just post a link so all of my 3 readers can look:


My two photos are on page 25--- unfortunately I can't link it to that exact page...so you have to scan thorough the other 24 pages..
The show goes until the middle of April. YAY!

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