
Things that we didn't film for our documentary and the crazy things we said on our road trip.

Things we couldn't quite get on film:
1. Great rock cliff
2. "Moose X-ing" sign
3."Snowmobile X-ing" sign
4. Dead End Road (an actual name of a road)
5. Mini size Noah's Ark
6. Captain's Winery
7. A Llama (yes, we saw a llama)
8. An old barn burning down
9. Barn yard animals
10. Totem pole
11. Jamaica 
12. Kid doing jig in a coat (with tails) and a top hat
13."No Camping" sign on a small circle of grass next to some out houses
14. 70 m.p.h. sign (a lot more exciting than you would think)
15. 94.1 moose FM!
16. sign with a moose on it that said "this moose probably wont look both ways"
17. hitchhikers 
18. bleak bear bolding a mail box
19. A wild turkey
20. a heard of wild turkeys
21. Bambi (aka a deer crossing the road...right in front of us!)
A lot of these were way more exciting when we actually saw them. 

And here are some choice words that fell out of our mouths while driving:
1. "I am not a fan of the speed limit!" - Zoe
2. "TRUCKS are passing me!!!" -Zoe
3."I just saw a moose crossing sign and you all missed it." -Zoe
6. "WOAH! A man just appeared from the woods! You know what he was doing."- Meg "Hunting moose?"-Zoe 
"OH, that's what you call it. Pull over, I got to go hunt some moose!" -Meg
7. "Ohhh raspberry mint! Yes please!" -Meg
8. "We should clean the windshield next time we stop because of all these things falling on it now"-Michael 
"Yeah, I don't know what it is but I kind of don't want to know"-Meg
 "Oh...I know what it is"-Michael 
"What? Bugs?"-Meg
 (five seconds later) "POPCORN!" -Michael
9. "Why are there so many antique stores up here...is that a big thing here?"-Michael 
"People like to go antiquing"-Meg 
"...What's the obsession with old shit?"-Michael
10. "Not making any assumptions, just...just..."-Meg 
"Judging" -Michael
11. "It's wandering again" 
12. "We're so proud of you little arrow! You found yourself!" -Meg (talking to the navigational system thing)
13."When he's hungry he gets all quiet." -Meg

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heart you guyssss!!!

hilarious quotations